Out and About

Taking your toddler out is not only good for him, but also for you.

Below are a few suggestions that will be ‘fleshed out’ over the next few days. All of them will get you and your toddler in contact with other people so you don’t feel cooped up and isolated at home. Especially with places like a toddler group, the park and the playground, you will often meet the same people who are in a similar situation to you and follow a similar rhythm to your own.

Toddler Group
If you are lucky, there will be several toddler groups in your area meeting on different days. They are generally on a ‘drop in’ basis and do not cost much to attend. They generally have a variety of toys which will be a welcome change from the familiar toys at home. It may be at a toddler group that you discover that your toddler loves things on wheels or loves playdough or loves the prams or dolls or cars.

When I was looking after my grandson in London, where I didn’t know other people, the nearby toddler group that met on the day when I was looking after him was an absolute godsend, especially on wet and cold days. It got us out of the house and there I discovered which toys James liked to play with and I also found out which songs he liked and that he absolutely loved doing the hokey-cokey.

The local park is great for watching the changing seasons, trying out a scooter or a tricyle for the first time and having a picnic lunch.


Children’s Library (story time)

Swimming – Waterbabies

Ice Skating

Shopping – yes, shopping.
It’s something that needs to be done, so it may as well be enjoyable and educational.

Going for a Walk – ‘let’s go see the horses’, ‘let’s watch the trains’, ‘shall we go and feed the ducks?’

I have found that children are always more content to play by themselves after they have been out. And conversely, if they have done nothing much except be at home all day, they tend to become more and more demanding. So, even if you would like to finish the ironing or whatever, it’s probably a good idea to leave it, take your little one out to see something interesting – remember, almost everything in the ‘big wide outside world’ is interesting to him – and get the chores done when you get home and he is tired and perhaps ready for a nap.

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